Registration open from 7:30AM - 5PM
2:00PM - 2:45PM
Welcome to KEYS
Alexandria Fontana, Software Specialist, Tandem
Join us in the general session room for the conference kick-off! In this quick session you will learn what’s new at KEYS, how to win prizes, and how to get the most out of your KEYS experience.
3:00PM - 3:45PM
Incident Management
Lindsey McReynolds, Support Manager, Tandem
Cade Killough, Software Specialist, Tandem
Your incident response plan and incident tracking system are an important part of your overall information security program. With Tandem’s Incident Management product, there are multiple options for what information you put in your incident response plan and for how you choose to track incidents. Join Tandem Software Specialists Lindsey and Cade as they walk you through the best use of the Incident Management product and answer your questions!
3:00PM - 3:45PM
The Ins & Outs of Your Annual Report to the Board
Samantha Torrez-Hidalgo, Software Specialist, Tandem
Each year, your organization is tasked with creating and presenting a report to your board about your information security program. But what should be included in this report? What is most important to focus on to have an efficient and effective meeting? Join Samantha as she discusses the ins & outs of your annual report to the board and how to make the process easy to complete each year.
3:00PM - 3:45PM
How to Leverage the Learning Process in Your Security Awareness Training
Leticia Saiid, Chief of Staff,
We’re training, but they’re not learning. What’s missing? ISO, CTOs and other financial institution employees are typically not education experts. So, we are often left scratching our heads wondering why the training we provide doesn’t seem to have much of an effect. It’s easy to blame the employees. But it may be time to point the finger elsewhere and analyze our training processes for the real culprit. Join Leticia in this session to review what the education industry has to say about the four phases of the learning process and discuss how we can apply similar tactics to improve the effectiveness of our security awareness training. Share and learn from the group what others find to be successful.
4:00PM - 4:45PM
Business Continuity Plan
Savannah Richardson, Software Specialist, Tandem
Alexandria Fontana, Software Specialist, Tandem
Creating and managing your BCP requires a lot of time and effort from your organization. Tandem’s Business Continuity Plan product is there to help make the process easier with suggested content, an exercise and test system, and even the option to alert employees during an emergency. Join Tandem Software Specialists Savannah and Alex as they walk you through the best use of the Business Continuity Plan product and answer your questions!
4:00PM - 4:45PM
All About Vulnerability & Patch Management
Alyssa Pugh, GRC Content Manager, Tandem
Chris Brewer, Network Engineer, CoNetrix Technology
When vulnerabilities are left unpatched (or worse, undetected), businesses are more susceptible to falling victim to a cyber-attack. As an increasing number of exploited vulnerabilities has caught the world’s attention in recent years, many businesses now face the question, “What can I do?” Join Chris and Alyssa in this session for a deep dive into regulatory expectations and practical steps you can take to create an effective vulnerability and patch management program.
4:00PM - 4:45PM
Saving Your Customers Through Due Diligence
Leticia Saiid, Chief of Staff, CoNetrix
It is human nature to view boring, irregular tasks as unnecessary or a waste of time. However, those same tasks can help you avoid potential loss across your organization and customer base. Join Leticia as she recounts a cautionary tale of due diligence failure that led to the exposure of 15 million customers’ data. This session will also break down what is expected in FFIEC guidance, how to proceed with proper due diligence and provide you with free tools to help make those boring, irregular tasks a little more bearable.